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OrgChart Now Help Guide

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Refresh Menu


Audience: Administrators


The Refresh menu contains tools that manage the synchronization of your Chart Document with an external data source.

Accessing the Refresh Menu

  1. Click on the 5_2_Mode_Small.png icon in the top-left corner, and then select the Workbench option. The Workbench dialog is displayed.

  2. Click on the Refresh menu.



The following options are available in the Refresh menu:

Refresh Document

Synchronize Chart Document with the linked data source.


Enable Chart Document to automatically sync with the linked data source.


Review the data source linked to the current Chart Document.


Define and manager filters applied to the current Chart Document.

Filters can also be defined in the Chart Settings: Filters and Highlights panel.


Define the way in which OrgChart interprets your source data.

Mapping can also be defined in the Chart Settings: Mapping panel.


Select the way in which assistants are identified and displayed in the current Chart Document.

Assistant rules can also be defined in View Manager.


Define the rules for paginating the current Chart Document using the Subchart Wizard.

Pagination can also be define in the Chart Settings: Subcharts and Shortcuts panel.


Select the template (View) to apply to the current Chart Document upon refresh.


Select the Master Page to apply to the current Chart Document upon refresh.


Define and apply various high-level configuration options to the current Chart Document upon refresh.

Refresh Menu Options

The Refresh menu available in Workbench, provides Administrators the option to preserve certain manual adjustments made to the current Chart Document after refresh.


Check the checkboxes next to the following options to preserve the associated manual changes:

Preserve manual changes to box presentation (box layouts)

Box layout adjustments that have been manually applied will remain on refresh.

Preserve manual identification of assistants

Assistant branch styles manually applied to assistants will remain on refresh.

Preserve user changes to pagination (subchart breaks)

Page breaks that have been manually inserted or removed will remain (despite the subchart pagination rules configured in the Subchart Wizard) upon refresh.

Preserve manual changes to branch styles

Branch styles that have been manually adjusted will remain on refresh.

Preserve box sort (overrides sort after refresh)

Chart boxes that have been re-ordered manually will remain where they've been placed (despite sort keys that are applied in the Advanced Options menu) on refresh.


Whenever possible, use conditional formatting, and not manual changes, to drive the presentation of a chart.

Scheduler Options

Chart Documents created using Builder (linked to a Master Chart ) and saved in Workbench can be set to automatically sync along with the source data.


The following options are available in the Scheduler menu:

Automatically Refresh Chart checkbox

Check to enable automatic refresh on the current Chart Document.


Select the frequency at which the current Chart Document refreshes against the linked data source.

Time (GMT)

Select the time (GMT) at which the current Chart Document refreshes.

Scheduled By:

Name of user that has enabled the automatic refresh of the current Chart Document.

Email Notification:

Email of user that will receive an email notification if the current Chart Document fails to refresh.


Before enabling the automatic refresh of a chart document, ensure that the Refresh menu is configured to preserve any manual changes that are eligible to be preserved.

Advanced Options


The following options are available in the Advance Options menu:

Sort boxes after refresh

Define sort keys to drive the order that employee records are displayed on the current Chart Document after refresh.

Sort keys defined here are applied to the entire Chart Document.

Administrators can also define sort keys in the Chart Settings: Presentation panel.

Use Reference Table

Select a document that displays a new field value based on defined criteria. For example, "94109":"San Francisco" to display a text description of a location code.

Append Data

Add new chart records or update existing chart records.

Enter the file name in the File Name text box to pull the correct append table file from the Reference directory.

Administrators can also add new charts records, or update existing chart records, using an Append Data Connector or Merge Data Connector respectively, which can be configured in the Chart Settings: Source panel.

Placeholder Chart

Generate a Functional Chart using up to two supporting functions.

Administrators can also create Functional Charts in the Chart Settings: Presentation panel.

Restrict Query

Restrict the fields included in the query of a Chart Document's linked data source to a list of comma-delineated field names.

Administrators can also restrict the fields queried using a Limit Fields Import Filter.