Import Wizard
Audience: Administrators
The Import Wizard guides Administrators users through the process of importing employee data from a Connector of your choice.
This is a legacy system. To generate org charts from your employee data, we recommend creating Master Charts.
Accessing the Import Wizard
To use the Import Wizard in Workbench, you must access the Document menu, and then select the Create option.
The Create a Workbench Document dialog is displayed.

Click on the icon.
The list of Data Connectors is displayed.

Click on your desired Data Connector.
If you are connecting to an HRIS, click on the Configure button, to enter your account credentials.
Click on the Import button.
The Import Wizard is displayed.

Click on the Import Data button, and the Import Wizard will walk you through setup.
Optionally, click on the Sample button, to import pre-constructed sample data for testing.