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OrgChart Help Guide

Activity Log


Audience: Administrators & Read/Write Users Edition: Enterprise


The Activity Log allows Plan Owners, Collaborators, Viewers, and Administrators to track all the changes that have been made within a plan.

Reference the Updating Plans topic for more information on how to make changes to a plan.

Accessing the Activity Log Panel

  1. Open and existing plan, or create a new one in the Plan Explorer 

  2. Click on the Activity Log tab. If the Activity Log tab is not shown click on the Planning_ExpandMenu.png button (on the right side of the screen).

Summary Mode

The Summary Mode groups changes by type (Add, Change, Comment, Delete, Move). Clicking on an update shows additional information about the update (at the bottom, in the Details panel) and navigates to the associated change in the org chart.

History Mode

The History Mode groups changes based on when the changes were made. Clicking on an update shows additional details about the update (at the bottom in the Details panel) and navigates to the associated change in the org chart.

Timeline Mode

The Timeline Mode groups changes based on effective date. Clicking on an update shows additional details about the update (at the bottom in the Details panel) and navigates to the associated change in the org chart.


Note: The Timeline Mode option is only shown if Effective Dating is enabled.


Additional Options

The following additional options are available in the Activity Log panel.


Display and Export options:

  • Show Details – Shows when and who made a specific update.

  • Export to Excel – Create an Excel document containing a summary of all changes made to a plan.

Details Panel

Click on a plan update in any of the the three Activity Log modes to reveal more information about the selected change.


The following options are available when the Details panel is displayed:


Minimize the Details panel.


Modify or Revert the selected update.