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OrgChart Help Guide

Thrive TRM


Audience: Administrators


Thrive TRM is a Talent Relationship Management software. OrgChart can pull employee records directly from Thrive TRM. The following article is a list of frequently asked questions pertaining to Thrive TRM's compatibility with OrgChart.


  1. Q:How do I set up my connection to Thrive TRM?

    A: Reference the Thrive TRM Connector Setup article to learn how to set up your Thrive TRM Connector in OrgChart.

  2. Q: Can I pull photos from Thrive TRM into my org charts?

    A: Not at this time. Reference the Working With Photos article for other photo import methods.

  3. Q: Can I limit the fields that an OrgChart administrator is able to pull from Thrive TRM?

    A: Yes. Reference the Limit Fields Import Filter article for more information.

  4. Q: What fields can I pull from Thrive TRM?

    A: OrgChart can pull most fields associated with an employee from Thrive TRM Contacts Resource.

  5. Q: Can I merge data from a secondary source with Thrive TRM data?

    A: Yes.

  6. Q: Can I embed org charts (generated from Thrive TRM data) into my intranet?

    A: Yes.

  7. Q: Can I add open requisition from Thrive TRM into my org charts?

    A: Not at this time.

    You are welcome to run an Excel export of your recruitment data from Thrive TRM, and append it to your main data source. Reference the Flat File Prep article and Append Data Connector articles for more information.

  8. Q: Can I filter which records are included in my org charts?

    A: Yes. Reference the Import Filters article for more information.